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Platform Integration

GA4with intent

Add intent segmentation to your Google Analytics setup. Understand behaviours that correlate to buying stages to help optimise and move purchase intent up.

Our platform pushes predictive, real-time data to GA4, unlocking your ability to better understand your customers and their behaviours.

INTENT insights


Integrate èƵ data in GA4 at an event or user level, to better understand the composition of your traffic.

Answer questions such as; What’s my highest quality traffic source? How do users from paid differ to those from email?



Segment solutions, experiences or components usage by intent to make more informed decisions about your user experience.

Add another layer to your analysis to understand at which stage of a user’s journey should they be served a feature, and how does this impact their journey progression.

Post Visit


Segment AB tests by intent metrics to truly understand the performance of an experiment; uncovering how your cohorts of users react differently.

Take these insights into your personalisation strategy to give users a truly appropriate experience on site.

Easy Integration

Using the integrations screen in the Made With èƵ platform, you’re only a few clicks away from passing through data.

Complete Control

Events or User Properties. You control how, when and what data you pass to Google Analytics.

Instant intent Data

Once the integration is set up, you’ll be able to start using the intent data in your experiments and analysis.


Add customer intent to your ecommerce strategy

Use the button below to book your personal èƵ demo at a time that suits you.

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